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Beloyarsk NPP

Beloyarsk NPP

NPP having world largest power units with
fast neutron reactors in service

40 km

from the administrative boundary

(Yekaterinburg city)

The years-long successful run of the fast neutron reactor with a commercialscale capacity BN-600 and the commissioning of a new power unit with the more powerful reactor BN-800 made Russia the global leader in regard to fast neutron reactors.

Beloyarsk NPP is located in the Sverdlovsk Region 40 kilometers to the East of Yekaterinburg city and 3 km away from Zarechny host town on the shore of the Beloyarsk water storage basin created on the river Pyshma as a heat sink for condensers of the power plant turbines.

  • 10 831,1mln kWh

    of electric power were generated by the NPP in 2020

  • 1 485MW

    plant installed capacity

Start-up of power units

  • 01


    108 MW


  • 02


    160 MW


  • 03


    600 MW


  • 04


    885 MW


reactor type

installed capacity



Nuclear power plant configuration

The power units with the fast neutron reactors are the “heart” of Beloyarsk NPP

BN-600 reactor unit

The power units are made on the base of the three-circuit scheme. Liquid sodium circulating along the first and second circuits is used as the heat transfer medium. The BN is housed in a sealed protective containment preventing from any external effects or radionuclide release into the environment in case of a hypothetical accident.

Highly-enriched uranium dioxide and mixed uranium-plutonium fuel are used for the BN.

The reactor employs an integral concept where all equipment of the primary circuit is placed inside the reactor vessel. The reactor accommodates three main circulation pumps, six intermediate heat exchangers “primary circuit sodium – secondary circuit sodium”, as well as the reactor control and protection system and the refueling system.

BN-600 reactor unit

Sodium is circulating in the reactor along three loops where each loop may run independently of the others. In order to enhance the safety, the reactor is placed into a special guard vessel filled with inert gas.

The secondary (intermediate) circuit consists of three loops each of which contains the main circulation pump of the secondary circuit, two heat exchangers “primary circuit sodium – secondary circuit sodium”, one modular once-through steam generator, and an expansion tank. In the tertiary (steam-water) circuit, steam from three steam generators is collected in a common manifold and supplied to the turbine (BN-800 has one turbine and BN-600 has three turbines).

The heat transfer medium of the primary circuit is heated up while passing through the reactor core and is delivered by three parallel circulation loops to six intermediate heat exchangers where it transfers heat to the heat transfer medium of the secondary circuit and returns to the reactor core. Sodium is pumped through the loops using the primary main circulation pump.

Process flow chart of a power unit with a BN-600 reactor

The heat transfer medium of the secondary circuit is supplied to the steam generator where it transfers heat to feed water entering the steam generator and turns it into steam. After that, it returns to the intermediate heat exchanger for repeated heating. Sodium is pumped through the loops using the secondary main circulation pump.

Steam is supplied from the steam generators to the turbines by the main steam pipelines through the stop and control valves. While passing through the pressure cylinders, potential power of steam is transformed into kinetic rotational power of the turbine rotor.

The generator with the rotor located on the same shaft as the turbine rotor turns mechanical rotational power of the rotor into electric power.

Exhaust steam after passing through the turbine enters the condenser where it is condensed by cooling with circulation water and supplied back to the steam generator as feed water. Cooling water is delivered to the water reservoir to be cooled down due to a natural heat exchange.

Arrangement of BN reactors

  • BN-600 reactor configuration


    The fast reactors are intended to ensure a closed nuclear fuel cycle and a transition to the two-component nuclear energetics. This will enable engaging uranium isotope U-238 in the useful production cycle while providing the nuclear energetics with fuel for centuries. Moreover, spent nuclear fuel from other NPPs will be reused thus minimizing radioactive waste. The primary aim of the project is t

    • 1

      reactor vessel

    • 2

      guard vessel

    • 3

      reactor vault

    • 4

      support skirt

    • 5

      main circulation pump

    • 6

      plenum chamber

    • 7

      reactor core

    • 8

      central rotating column

    • 9

      refueling system

  • BN-800 reactor configuration


    The BN-800 power unit evolutionarily proceeds with the design-technology achievements of its predecessors: BN-600 and BN-350, exploratory and experimentally-demonstrative fast neutron reactors. Besides, in line with the current trends, it embodies a range of additional safety systems based on the passive principle, i.e. operating due to the physical laws of nature.

    • 1

      reactor vault

    • 2

      molten fuel catcher

    • 3

      core plenum chamber

    • 4

      reactor core

    • 5

      guard vessel

    • 6

      main reactor vessel

    • 7

      main circulation pump

    • 8

      upper fixed protection slab

    • 9

      intermediate heat exchanger

    • 10

      large rotating plug

    • 11

      small rotating plug

    • 12

      central rotating column

    • 13

      refueling system

    • 14

      protection hood

Nuclear power plant safety systems

The fast neutron reactor is reckoned among the best nuclear reactors of the world in terms of reliability and safety factors.

The BN power units comply with all current requirements of reliability and safety and exhibit characteristics of natural (intrinsic) safety owing to their physical specifics.

Safety barriers

  • 1

    The first barrier is a fuel matrix (i.e. a pellet).

  • 2

    The second barrier is a fuel element cladding.

  • 3

    The third barrier is the main reactor vessel.

  • 4

    The forth barrier is the additional reactor vessel.

  • 5

    The fifth barrier is a concrete steel-plated vault.

BN-600 safety

The BN-600 reactor features an integral arrangement where the core and all equipment related to the radiation part are housed in one stainless steel sealed housing. The main reactor vessel of the reactor is placed to an additional guard vessel and put in to a reinforced concrete vault of the reactor.

The safety of the fast neutron reactor BN-600 is based upon:

  • a self-protection property, i.e. in case of a deviation from the normal operating conditions, it independently stops the nuclear reaction due to the laws of nature;
  • using liquid-metal heat transfer medium (sodium) protected from potential overheating due to a high thermal inertia and a wide temperature margin;
  • a negative reactivity effect under all operating conditions;
  • an absence of high pressure in the reactor vessel.

BN-800 safety

The BN-800 is equipped with all safety systems typical for the BN-600. It has the following additional safety advantages:

  • reactor emergency cooling down systems acting through air heat exchangers based on the passive principles of operation;
  • a reactor emergency protection system based on the passive principles of actuation: if the heat transfer medium stops circulating, the rods suspended in the vertical flow of sodium go down into the reactor core by gravity and stop the nuclear reaction;
  • a device capable of retaining the molten fuel, if necessary.

A unique full-scale simulator has been created in order to train the operating personnel of the BN-800 power unit. It enables the simulation of any modes of operation of the power unit and their various combinations.

Environmental safety

Environmental safety

Environmental safety with the minimum impact on the environment, the personnel and the population is one of the key objectives in the activity of Beloyarsk NPP

The basic principles and obligations in the field of the environmental protection, the rational use of natural resources, and the environmental safety assurance are set forth in the environmental policy of Beloyarsk NPP. The nature protection activities are performed at the enterprise in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation and the industry-specific regulatory-executive documents.

The environmental condition of the territory of the industrial site, in the sanitary protection zone and in the control area of Beloyarsk NPP is evaluated by the NPP subdivisions as part of the industrial environmental control and by the supervisory bodies as well. The automated radiation monitoring system (ARMS) constantly monitors the radiation situation and conveys the necessary information to Beloyarsk NPP.

The observation results show that Beloyarsk NPP under normal operating conditions does not have an adverse effect on the environment, and the norms of allowed exposure are not exceeded. The BN reactors are acknowledged as some of the most ecologically clean nuclear reactors in the world.

Social responsibility

A broad range of social programs are being implemented at Beloyarsk NPP defining the level of obligations of the enterprise in the field of the social protection of the employees and its contribution to development of the local and regional infrastructure

The plant provides thousands of jobs with the guaranteed respectable wages and housing for the employees. The significant social benefits are granted to the citizens of Zarechny urban district through tax payments to the budgets of various levels.

The NPP’s town Zarechny features one of the most well-developed sociocultural infrastructures in the Sverdlovsk Region. The construction of Beloyarsk NPP enabled creating a state-of-the-art and well-furnished town which continues growing and developing.

The nuclear power plant provides the voluntary medical insurance of the working personnel. The non-state pensions are received by more than thousand former employees of the NPP. In addition, the enterprise gives a social support to young employees and specialists of the plant.

Beloyarsk NPP is the permanent participant, organizer, and sponsor of town events, charity events, clean-up events, and so on. The enterprise supports Zarechny by tax payments to the town budget under agreement between ROSATOM and the Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region and by other means.


  • Beloyarsk Nuclear Power Plant
    Branch of Rosenergoatom JSC

  • Beloyarsk NPP, PO box 149, Zarechny town,
    Sverdlovsk Region 624250

  • E-mail: