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Kalinin NPP

Kalinin NPP

Champion by the amount of generated electric power over the
entire period of operation of the Russian nuclear power plants

150 km

from the regional center

(Tver city)

Kalinin NPP provides power to the Integrated Power System of the Center. The share of Kalinin NPP in the region’s power balance is more than 83%. Owing to its geographical position, the plant is able to perform high-voltage transition of electric power. One important growth area of the nuclear plant is an upgrade of the equipment intended for an increase in the electric power generation and a lifetime extension of the running power units (the service life of the units No. 1 and No. 2 is extended to 2025 and 2038, respectively).

In 2018, Kalinin NPP has generated a record amount of electric power over the entire period of operation of the Russian nuclear power plants – more than 35.18 bln kWh.

  • 28,492.1mln kWh

    of electric power were generated by the NPP in 2020

  • 4 000MW

    plant installed capacity

Start-up of power units

  • 01


    1,000 MW


  • 02


    1,000 MW


  • 03


    1,000 MW


  • 04


    1,000 MW


reactor type

installed capacity


Nuclear power plant configuration

The VVER type reactors with the capacity of 1,000 MW are the “heart” of Kalinin NPP

VVER reactor unit

Four power units with the VVER-1000 type reactors built over two phases are run at Kalinin NPP. Phase one: the power start-up of the unit No. 1 took place in 1984; power unit No. 2 was connected to the mains in 1986. Phase two: power unit No. 3 was commissioned in 2004; power unit No. 4 was started-up in 2011.

The power units of the phase 1 of Kalinin NPP are the “small” series units (V-338). The design solutions implemented in them formed a basis for a development of the serial power units of the project V-320. Such project has been implemented in the phase 2 of Kalinin NPP.

VVER is the shell-type water-water power reactor. They presently take the lead in the world practice in terms of the high degree of safety and reliability, high unit capacity and economic efficiency.

VVER reactor unit

Water with boric acid which concentration varies during operation is the coolant and the neutron moderator of this reactor. Slightly enriched uranium dioxide is used as a fuel in the reactor core.

The VVER is housed in a sealed protective containment preventing any external effects or radionuclide release into the environment in case of a hypothetical accident. The process flow scheme of Kalinin NPP power units is double-circuit.

The core is located in the reactor pressure vessel. The core consists of 163 fuel assemblies and moving elements of the control and protection system. Each fuel assembly accommodates 312 fuel elements where uranium pellets are contained. Each fuel pellet made of uranium dioxide with the weight of 4.5 g releases power equivalent to combustion of 500 m3 of natural gas or 500 kg of oil.

The primary circuit is radioactive. It consists of the reactor, the main circulation pumps, the steam generators, and the pressurizer. Water in the reactor core is heated up to 290-300 degrees. Heat generated as a result of the controllable nuclear reaction is carried away by the heat transfer medium of the first coolant through four circulation cooling loops to the steam generators. The heat transfer medium of the primary coolant circulates by means of the main circulation pumps. Heat in the steam generators is transmitted to the heat transfer medium of the secondary coolant while heating it up to steam formation.


Turbine island of the Kalinin NPP forth unit

The secondary circuit is non-radioactive. It consists of a steam-producing part of the steam generators, the main steam pipes, the turbine unit with a regeneration system, the feed water unit, and several auxiliary systems. Steam enters the turbine and drives both the turbine and the electric generator rotor connected with the turbine shaft. The generator generates electric power. After that, electric power comes to the power system through an outdoor switchgear. Steam that has passed through the turbine turns into water in the condensers and comes back to the steam generators. The steam flow rate from 4 steam generators to the turbine is about 6,000 T/h.

  • 3,000MW

    rated heat output of the reactor

  • > 16mln

    fuel uranium pellets are charged into the reactor

Process flow chart of Kalinin NPP

The VVER reactor is a shell-type water-water power reactor. Water with boric acid which concentration varies during operation is the heat transfer medium and the neutron moderator of this reactor. Slightly enriched uranium dioxide is used as a fuel in the reactor core.

Nuclear power plant safety systems

The safety is ensured by the structure of the reactor units, quality and reliability of nuclear fuel as the key component of the cores, and by high qualification of the personnel over the entire service life of the NPP. The power units of Kalinin NPP feature a high safety level. The principle of self-protection of the reactor unit, availability of the safety barriers (the defense-in-depth concept), the multiple redundancy of the safety trains, and presence of the active and passive safety systems are referred to the key safety factors.

Defense-in-depth concept

The defense-in-depth concept is applied to compensate for potential human errors or mechanical failures. This concept is based on several levels of protection with a sequence of barriers on the way of discharge of radioactive materials into the environment. The barrier system includes a fuel matrix, a fuel element jacket, equipment within the boundaries of the coolant circuit, and a protective shell (containment).

Self-protection principle

The structure of the VVER reactors ensures their “self-protection” and “self-regulation”. If the neutron flux is increased in the reactor core and the temperature raises together with the steam content, then accelerated absorption of neutrons and termination of the chain reaction will occur due to a natural feedback. To this end, the rods with the absorber are fed into the core, and then the reaction decelerates and stops.

Multiple redundancy of safety trains

The Russian NPPs with the VVER employ three independent safety safety trains each of which may fulfill functions of the entire system. The safety systems operate independently of each other and are put into operation automatically in case of a failure in the normal operation.

Protection against external impacts

The priority fields of enhancement of the level of protection against external impacts for Kalinin NPP are the following measures:

  • provision with the independent sources of power supply;
  • furnishing with the independent means for water supply to the steam generators and boric solution supply to the reactor and the cooling basin

The additional equipment is installed on each of four power units of Kalinin NPP for this purpose: movable diesel-generating units, diesel-pumps, and motor pumps.

Data Center “Kalinin”


First Data Center in the network of geographically distributed disaster-proof data centers of Rosenergoatom

  • 10,3ha

    total area of the facility

  • 80MW

    total design capacity of the platform

  • 30years

    service life of the DC

As part of the accomplishment of the strategic objective of State Atomic Energy Corporation RosatomRosatom State Corporation which consists in development of new products for the Russian and international markets, a supporting data processing and storage center (Data Center) DC Kalinin has been built.

  • 10,3

    total area of the facility

  • 80

    total design capacity of the platform

  • 30

    service life of the DC

The engineering infrastructure and operation of the DC Kalinin correspond with the highest standards of the nuclear industry. The main advantages include a high physical and informational safety of the critical details related to the national interests, absence of risks of outages in the power energy supply due to grid failures, the in-house 24/7/365 operations department with remote services for clients, and availability of free facilities for expansion of the clients’ IT-infrastructure.

Moreover, an infrastructural platform is located in the territory of the DC Kalinin to accommodate modular and container data centers on it.

Environmental safety


Environmental safety is one of the key objectives of Kalinin NPP

The basic principles and obligations in the field of the environmental protection, the rational use of natural resources, and the environmental compliance assurance are set forth in the environmental policy of the enterprise. The environment management system (EMS) is also in service at the plant.

Kalinin NPP strives to increase the environmental culture level of managers and specialists of the contracting agencies performing operations in the territory of the NPP.

The environmental condition of the territory of the industrial site, in the sanitary protection zone and in the control area of Kalinin NPP is evaluated by the NPP subdivisions as part of the industrial environmental control and by the supervisory bodies as well. For the purposes of the radiation control, 7 permanent radiation monitoring stations have been arranged around Kalinin NPP within a radius of 50 km where parameters of atmospheric air, precipitation, soil and vegetation are measured. The laboratory of outer radiation control of the nuclear power plant performs radiation control of surface watercourses, water from potable artesian water intake facilities and municipal heat supply systems.

Simultaneously with the radiation monitoring stations, 17 automated radiation monitoring system (ARMS) stations are currently in service in the sanitary protection zone and in the control area.

The information from the ARMS is automatically conveyed to the emergency response center of Rosenergoatom, transmitted to the branch ARMS of ROSATOM, and it is used to evaluate the actual radiation situation in the area of Kalinin NPP.

Over the entire period of work of Kalinin NPP, no adverse impact on the environment has been observed.

Social responsibility

Kalinin Nuclear Power Plant is a backbone enterprise


A state-of-the-art town with a well-developed infrastructure has been built thanks to Kalinin NPP. Schools, kindergartens, residential quarters, industrial hospital buildings, a sports center with tennis courts, a swimming pool, and a stadium have been erected. The Prince Vladimir Cathedral, a children’s art school and a youth club, a hotel, a new railway station building, and a public information center have been built. Being a responsible corporate citizen, Kalinin NPP is proactive in solving tasks on advance of the social, environmental, and economic well-being of the society.

The enterprise implements charity programs on an annual basis and renders assistance to over 30 organizations and institutions of the region. Of these, there are social and educational institutions, sports and cultural organizations of Udomlya urban district. Besides, programs of targeted social assistance for individuals are widely implemented. Kalinin NPP supports socially useful initiatives on creating and keeping a comfortable social environment. Specifically, over eight years, following the results of the contest of the ATR AES Fund, 27 projects of non-profit organizations were supported in Udomlya urban district. The total amount of grants reached 25.5 million Roubles.

  • > 6mln.

    tax payments are annually transferred by ROSATOM to the regional and municipal budgets

  • 146,5mln Roub

    were allocated to sustainable development of the host territory in 2020


  • Kalinin Nuclear Power Plant Branch of Rosenergoatom JSC

  • Kalinin NPP, Udomlya town, Tver Region 171841