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Floating NPP

Floating NPP

Floating nuclear power plant based on a low-power transportable
power unit

The FNPP is in the city of Pevek

The floating power unit “Akademik Lomonosov” named after the outstanding Russian scientist is intended for operation in the regions of the Extreme North and the Far East and is the leading project of the series of low-power mobile transportable power units. It is designed for working as part of a floating nuclear heat and power plant and represents a new class of power sources based on the Russian nuclear shipbuilding technologies.

The floating power unit (FPU) has been under construction at LLC Baltic Shipyard – Shipbuilding in Saint Petersburg since 2008 against the order of Rosenergoatom JSC operating all NPPs of Russia.

  • 127,3mln kWh

    of electric power were generated by the FNHPP in 2020

  • 70MW

    plant installed capacity

Key milestones of the project

  • keel laying
    of the FPU


  • completion of
    construction of the FPU


  • first connection to the coastal
    electric mains


  • commissioning
    of the FNHPP


FNHPP configuration

Northernmost nuclear power plant in the world

KLT-40S reactor unit

The project is meant for a reliable year-round heat- and power supply to the remote regions of the Arctic and the Far East.

The FNHPP solves several key problems in Chukotka:

  • replacement of the retired capacities of Bilibino NPP that has been operating since 1974 and the Chaun TPP which has been in service for over 70 years;
  • power supply to Pevek town and key mining companies located in the so-called Chaun-Bilibino power center;
  • reduction in carbon footprint in the region and preservation of stock of raw materials from non-renewable sources.

The FNHPP consitst of a flowing power unit (FPU) with two KLT-40S reactor units, onshore and hydraulic facilities.

KLT-40S reactor unit

The FPU “Akademik Lomonosov” is equipped with two reactor and steam turbine units with a mirror arrangement on the boards. The reactor unit is a complex of systems and elements including a water-water nuclear reactor and associated components ensuring a normal operation and safety.

The FNHPP project is intended for a reliable year-round heat- and power supply to the remote regions and is marginally dependent on the external factors related to erection, maintenance, fuel delivery, etc. The operation of the floating NPP is aimed at a considerable improvement of the quality of life of the population in the regions experiencing power shortages and at formation of favorable conditions for their social and economic development. The arrangement of the FPU is performed with regard to the experience of operation and the structural solutions of nuclear icebreakers.

Process flow chart of the FNHPP

  • 1

    reactor unit

  • 2

    feed water heater

  • 3

    feed pump

  • 4


  • 5

    steam extractions to turbines

  • 6

    steam turbine

  • 7

    electric generator

  • 8

    main condenser

  • 9

    sea water

  • 10

    condensate pump

  • 11

    district heating heat exchangers

  • 12

    district heating water to consumers

  • 13

    district heating water from consumers

  • Circuits 1 and 2

  • Steam extraction from turbines

Apart from the systems necessary for operation of the power unit, ship’s service systems and devices are envisaged at the plant ensuring an efficient operation of the FNHPP without any damage to the environment in the location area and a fire protection of the plant.

Each reactor is connected to four steam generators to produce superheated steam to be supplied to the turbine. The extraction-type turbines are used: they are designed for heat generation and serve as a generator drive being an electric power source. Steam produced in the steam generators of the reactor unit comes to the steam turbine rotating the electric generator. The electric generator produces electric power supplied to the consumers. Spent steam is delivered from the turbine stages to heat up feed water in a special heat exchanger (heater) and to heat up water in the direct heating heat exchangers. Spent steam from the turbine is condensed in the main condenser using sea water. Generated condensate is supplied by the condensate pump to the deaerator where dissolved gases (mainly oxygen) are removed. After that, feed water is delivered by the pump into the steam generator of the reactor unit, and the cycle repeats.

Generated condensate is supplied by the condensate pump to the deaerator where dissolved gases (mainly oxygen) are removed. After that, feed water is delivered by the pump into the steam generator of the reactor unit, and the cycle repeats.


FNHPP infrastructure

Buildings and structures of the onshore
platform include:

  • ADMINISTRATIVE AND AMENITY BUILDING – a building for accommodation of the FNHPP staff.
  • UNITED AUXILIARY BUILDING – it is intended for accommodation of administrative and engineering personnel of the FNHPP and for fulfillment of auxiliary functions.
  • BUILDINGS OF TREATMENT FACILITIES – treatment facilities for domestic and rainfall runoff.
  • MULTI-PURPOSE PROCESS BUILDING – a central heat point and equipment for heat preparation and distribution to the consumers.
  • MULTI-PURPOSE SECURITY BUILDING – premises for the facility security forces.
  • CIVIL DEFENSE SHELTER – a reinforced underground facility for personnel evacuation in case of an emergency.
  • SUBSTATION “BEREGOVAYA” – electric power conversion and transfer to the external mains.

The hydraulic facilities
are comprised of:

  • a navigable water area;
  • a bank protection for the FNHPP platform;
  • BREAKWATER BERTH – for protection of the floating power unit against seaways and wind-driven ice occurrence;
  • RIGID MOORING DEVICES – devices for a reliable retention of the FPU at the breakwater berth resisting against loads;

The FPU has been developed with a large margin of safety overpassing all threats

The safety policy establishes an unconditional priority of safety of the FNHPP over all other aspects of operation. At the same time, the safety assurance measures are focused on avoidance of emergency situations and also on urgent response and actions against such situations in case they occur.

The emergency localization of radioactive substances is provided by five localizing barriers on the way of discharge of radioactive materials into the environment: the fuel composition, the fuel element jacket, the primary circuit, the reactor unit containment, and the safety cage.

The KLT-40S reactor unit is based on the following safety principles:

  • Simplicity and reliability of structures and systems; A steam pipeline and a condensate-feed pipeline;
  • Natural circulation of water in the cooling circuits;
  • Wide project safety margins;
  • Self-actuating and passive safety systems

The KLT-40S is capable of resisting against accidents beyond design basis for a long time and remaining under safe condition with no need for any staff intervention.

Project safety means:

  • reactivity control system;
  • emergency cooldown system;
  • emergency reactor core cooling system;
  • incident pressure reduction system;
  • system for filling reactor caisson with water;
  • containment flooding system;
  • liquid absorber injection system;
  • The FPU remains floating (with a heel of 3° maximum) in case any two adjacent sections are flooded;
  • The reactor unit is placed in the central part of the FPU behind a double bottom for a collision protection
  • resistance against hurricane winds with a speed of up to 80 m/s
  • the breakwater berth protects against seaways, tsunami, and wind-driven ice occurrence

Safety barriers

  • 1

    The first barrier is a fuel matrix (i.e. a pellet)

  • 2

    The second barrier is a fuel element jacket.

  • 3

    The third barrier is the primary circuit.

  • 4

    The fourth barrier is represented by a protective containment of thereactor unit.

  • 5

    The fifth barrier is a protective containment of the reactor unit.

Environmental safety

Экологическая безопасность

Environmental safety and minimization of the environmental impact

  • ≈ 60 000 tonnes

    CO₂ emissions per year are avoided with the aid of the FNHPP at the existing output level

The major priority of the environmental policy of the FNHPP is to ensure the environmental safety and to reduce the environmental impact in the region.

The Chukotka Autonomous District with its distinct populated localities and industrial facilities features a great number of stand-alone diesel stations, and outdated Chaun TPP is located in the center of Pevek town. As the network infrastructure develops, the FNHPP will be able to replace the capacities of Bilibino NPP, the municipal TPP, and the small-scale power facilities thus relieving the region from the excess pollution.

At the same time, all nuclear fuel and radioactive materials handling systems of the FNHPP are placed exclusively inside the FPU including reactor core refueling and storage of the spent fuel.

  • ≈ 60 000

    CO₂ emissions per year are avoided with the aid of the FNHPP at the existing output level

All operations with ionization radiation are also carried out only aboard. No radioactive waste is discharged to the overboard space.

The water heating system for the heat generation is executed through an intermediate circuit which prevents from a possible contamination of water with radioactive substances.

In this way, the radiation impact of the FNHPP on the population and the environment under normal operation or in any emergency situations does not exceed the natural radiation background level.

Continuous radiation monitoring is carried out in the sanitary protection zone around the floating nuclear heat power plant.

Social responsibility

State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom is a socially responsible company which activity makes a strong economic contribution to the situation in a considerable part of the Russian regions

By expanding the activity, ROSATOM focuses on solving the problems of long-term and stable development with respect to specific features of each region.

A range of social programs are being implemented at Pevek town where the FNHPP is located. They define the level of obligations of the enterprise in the field of the social protection of the employees and its contribution to development of the local and regional infrastructure.

The employees are financially supported to improve their housing, to ensure they have a good rest and high-quality medical attendance, get higher and secondary vocational education.

ROSATOM implements the following social and infrastructural projects in Pevek town through operator Rosenergoatom Concern JSC:

  • creation of a comfortable town environment – a town promenade;
  • renovation and restoration operations in the Iceberg cinema;
  • restoration of the regional ethnography museum;
  • purchasing equipment, materials, and items for the regional hospital;
  • design and construction of a covered ice rink;
  • co-financing of the sports and recreation center;
  • arrangement for easily available and high-quality communication;
  • patronage over pre-school and school institutions.


  • Floating Nuclear Heat and Power Plant
    Branch of Rosenergoatom Concern JSC

  • 6 bldg. Energetikov street, Pevek town,
    Chaun Region, Chukotka Autonomous District.