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Smolensk NPP

Smolensk NPP

ГLeading backbone enterprise of the region and largest
enterprise in the fuel and power balance of the region

3 km

from the administrative boundary

(Desnogorsk town)

The plant produces 20 bln kWh at an average annually, which equals 75% of the total amount of electric power generated by nuclear power providers of the Smolensk Region. The main consumer of electric power generated here is the “Center” power system covering 18 regional power systems of the Central Federal District. Nuclear power of Smolensk NPP powers the Kaliningrad Region and Belarus.

Three power units with RBMK-1000 reactors are in service at the enterprise.

  • 22,088,3mln kWh

    of electric power were generated by the NPP in 2020

  • 3,000MW

    plant installed capacity

Start-up of power units

  • 01


    1,000 MW


  • 02


    1,000 MW


  • 03


    1,000 MW


reactor type

installed capacity


Nuclear power plant configuration

The second and third generation RBMK-1000 reactors are the “heart” of Smolensk NPP

RBMK-1000 reactor unit

Single-circuit type: steam supplied to the turbines is formed directly from water cooling the reactor.

Each power units includes:

  • a high-capacity uranium-graphite pressure-tube thermal neutron reactor RBMK-1000with a circulation circuit and auxiliary systems;
  • a steam pipeline and a condensate-feed pipeline;
  • two turbines with the 500 MW generators.
RBMK-1000 reactor unit

The controllable chain reaction occurs in the reactor core: fuel (uranium dioxide U235) shares its thermal neutrons. Heat is carried away by water circulating through the fuel channels along the repeated forced circulation circuit. The steam-water mixture flows from the reactor to the drum separator whereit is separated into steam and water. Dry saturated steam is supplied to the blades of the turbine. Exhaust steam from the turbine enters the condensers to be cooled down there.

After purification, heating and deaeration (degassing), condensate returns to the drum separator whereit is mixed with feed water and supplied to the reactor fuel channels. Generators producing electric power are installed on one shaft with the turbines. Electric power arrives to the consumers by 6 transmission lines 330, 500 and 750 kV.

  • 1,000MW

    1,000 MW of one power unit capacity

  • 6transmission


  • 750kV

    maximum power supply voltage

Process flow chart of Smolensk NPP

  • 1reactor
  • 2turbine
  • 3generator
  • 4drum separator
  • 5main circulation pump
  • 6pressure header
  • 7distribution group header
  • 8shut-off control valve
  • 9flow meter
  • 10condenser
  • 11first-lift condensate pump
  • 12condensate purification plant
  • 13second-lift condensate pump
  • 14low-pressure heater
  • 15deaerator
  • 16feed electric pump
  • 17small feed electric pump
  • 18filter
  • 19mean-pressure ring
  • 20quick-acting pressure reducing plant
  • 21separator-reheater
  • 22bubbler
  • 23process condenser
  • 24main relief valve
  • 25circulation pump
  • 26siphon drainage shaft
  • 27cooldown pump
  • 28regenerator
  • 29aftercooler
  • 30bypass cleanup

Process flow chart of Smolensk NPP

An RBMK is a pressure-tube high-capacity reactor.

This is a series of nuclear power reactors developed in the Soviet Union. An RBMK is a pressure-tube heterogenous graphite-water boiling thermal neutron reactor. The coolant is boiling water.

Nuclear power plant safety systems

The basic principle of safe operation of a nuclear power plant is preventing an uncontrolled escapeof radioactive products.

The power units of Smolensk NPP feature high safety indicators. The principle of self-protection of the reactorunit and availability of the safety barriers (the defense-in-depth concept) are referred to the key safety factors.All power units are equipped with a containment system preventing from any release of radioactive substancesto the environment.

Defense-in-depth concept

The defense-in-depth concept is applied to compensate for potential human errors or mechanical failures. This concept is based on several levels of protection with a sequence of barriers on the way of discharge of radioactive materials into the environment. This concept envolves protection of the barriers through prevention of a damage to the plant or to the barriers. It includes further measures to protect the population and the environment against any impacts if the barriers will not be enough effective.

The first barrier is a fuel matrix (i.e. a pellet).

The second barrier is a fuel element jacket.

In order to avoid a break of its air-tightness and to identify any faulty fuel elements, a fuel failure detection system is provided.

The operating principle of this system is based on measurement of the steam-water mixture radioactivity at an outlet from each channel.

If any non-tight fuel assembly is detected (a FA consists of multiple fuel elements), it is removed from the reactor, and a new one is installed in its place.

Safety barriers

  • 1

    The first barrier is a fuel matrix (i.e. a pellet).

  • 2

    The second barrier is a fuel element jacket.

  • 3

    The third barrier is comprised of fuel channels, pipelines,and the equipment of the repeated forced circulation circuit.

  • 4

    The forth barrier is represented by reinforced concrete walls of the premises with the equipment of the repeated forced circulation circuit.

The third barrier is comprised of fuel channels, pipelines, and the equipment of the repeated forced circulation circuit. The state of the channels is controlled by the composition of nitrogen-helium mixture circulating through the reactor space.

The forth barrier is represented by reinforced concrete walls of the premises with the equipment of the repeated forced circulation circuit (protective boxes). The temperature of concrete beyond the thermal protection is constantly controlled and recorded.

Self-protection principle

In order to stop the chain reaction quickly and efficiently, neutrons involved in this process must be absorbed. An absorber (boron carbide) is used to accomplish this. Rods made of boron carbide are fed into the reactor core to reduce the neutron flux level or to shutdown the reactor completely.

Electromagnets are used as the drives for the rods to ensure their immersion into the reactor core. This principle guarantees the rods dropping even if the power unit is de-energized: the powered down electromagnets will stop holding the absorber rods and these will drop down gravity.

The introduction of control and protection system rods with a “tape” absorber, and then rod control cluster assemblies has reduced the impact of the loss of water in the control and protection system cooling circuit to a level that ensures nuclear safety of reactors through the use of inherent self-protection properties.

Environmental safety

Экологическая безопасность

The basic principle of the safe operation of a nuclear power plant is preventing an uncontrolled escape of radioactive products beyond the safety barriers

  • 2013

    the plant was granted the “International Ecologists Initiative 100% eco quality” certificate

The control systems inside Smolensk NPP and the automated radiationmonitoring system (ARMS) constantly monitor the real radiation situation in the sanitary protection zone and in the control area. The years-long run of Smolensk NPP had no impact on the regional environment condition.

The ARMS performs a constant monitoring of the radiation situation and conveys the necessary information to Smolensk NPP and the radioecological control systems.

In 2013, the plant was granted the international environmental certificate and the golden mark “International Ecologists Initiative 100% eco quality” confirming the ecological safety of the enterprise. That same year, Smolensk NPP was awarded the main prize of the international ecologists “Global Eco Brand” in the nomination “Leader of the socially and ecologically responsible business”.

In 2013, the plant was granted the international environmental certificate and the golden mark “International Ecologists Initiative 100% eco quality” confirming the ecological safety of the enterprise. That same year, Smolensk NPP was awarded the main prize of the international ecologists “Global Eco Brand” in the nomination “Leader of the socially and ecologically responsible business”.

  • 2013

    the plant was granted the “International Ecologists Initiative 100% eco quality” certificate

Social responsibility

The successful operation of the Smolensk NPP allows making a strong contribution to the solution to the social problems of the Smolensk Region and Desnogorsk town and is indicative of a a responsible corporate citizen

The enterprise annually implements an ambition charity program by rendering help to children’s social institutions, veteran organizations, cultural, sports, and educational institutions.

Over 2 billion Roubles are channeled annually by the plant to the budgets of the region and the host-town.

Under the aegis of Smolensk NPP, a Chief Executives Board is in place in Desnogorsk. This Board is responsible for a strategic development of the town to keep it attractive for youth and open for investment.

Under the authority of this Board, ecological clean-up events and celebratory demonstrations are held and kindergartens are sponsored.

Besides, parkland zones have been cleared up, central streets, yards, parking lots, recreation areas, and playgrounds have been improved.


  • Smolensk Nuclear Power Plant
    Branch of Rosenergoatom Concern JSC

  • Smolensk nuclear power plant, Desnogorsk,
    Smolensk Region 216400