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Rosenergoatom JSC

The largest power generating company and only operator on nuclear power plant in Russia

World’s second largest operator

Rosenergoatom JSC is the largest power generating company and only operator of nuclear power plants in Russia


nuclear power plants operate in Russia, including the unique floating nuclear power plant (FNPP)

Rosenergoatom ranks first in Russia by energy generated and second in the world by the installed capacity of the nuclear power units.


nuclear power plants operate in Russia, including the unique floating nuclear power plant (FNPP)

Rosenergoatom is the technology leader in the nuclear industry due to an active digital transformation of the processes, development and implementation of advanced innovative solutions.

At present, companies within the Electric Power Division of Rosenergoatom maintain 26 power units in 15 countries of the world. The NPP maintenance abroad is an important strategic initiative of the Division. The overseas NPPs with VVER type power units are provided with a full range of services to arrange and conduct repair operations leveraging the best expertise and capabilities accumulated over more than fifty years of repair at the Russian NPPs.

Rosenergoatom takes into account and uses the existing experience in the markets related to the nuclear industry: in the field of thermal power, nuclear-powered fleet, and enterprises in the metals industry.

The company develops new businesses as: engineering and power services, manufacture of isotope products and sorbents.

  • 38units

    across Russia maintained by Rosenergoatom

  • 27units

    in 15 countries worldwide maintained by Rosenergoatom

Global presence

State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom offers highly sought-after solutions in the field of nuclear technologies and is one of the leaders in the global nuclear industry


ROSATOM develops its business in more than 50 countries across the world

Safety of the process solutions along with the commitment of ROSATOM to delivering highest-quality equipment and services have ensured its international success in the field of nuclear fuel supply and construction of nuclear power plants (NPP).

ROSATOM is the only vertically integrated company with the complete nuclear cycle in the world and ranks first in the world in terms of the number of new NPPs under construction. The activity of ROSATOM covers the entire nuclear fuel cycle from uranium mining, construction and operation of NPPs to decommissioning of facilities posing nuclear and radiation hazards.


ROSATOM develops its business in more than 50 countries across the world

One of the key activities of ROSATOM is engineering, construction, and operation of NPPs with different capacities, from large to small. Additionally the company develops its business and research in the non-energy field, i.e. health care, materials science, and mechanical engineering. It manufactures isotope products, supercomputers, software, and digital products. All these new activities are aimed to generate positive systemic changes in human life while preserving the environment.

  • 0incidents

    INES level 2

  • 36units

    portfolio of overseas construction projects

  • 138,3billion dollars

    the company’s 10-year portfolio of overseas orders

Sustainable development

Nuclear technologies make a tangible contribution to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals

  • Nuclear power plants

    generate clean and readily available electric power contributing to economic and industrial growth in the host territory

  • Nuclear medicine and isotope products

    guarantee health care and help to improve the living standards

  • Water desalination and purification

    provide access to pure water and hygiene

  • Nuclear research and technology centers

    promote industrialization and infrastructure development, improve the level of education, and facilitate innovation

  • Multipurpose radiation centers

    fight hunger and contribute to health care and improvement of the living standards